Conversion of Electric to Gas Furnace

Now it is the perfect time to convert from electric baseboard to gas furnace. Natural gas offers more comfort, convenience and efficiency. While an electric furnace to gas furnace conversion or an electric baseboard to gas furnace conversion might seem to be a massive job but professional HVAC installation services by Genco makes it smooth and cost-effective.

Benefits of Using Natural Gas in Your Home

  • Energy efficiency – Using natural gas for heating uses less energy.  Switching your stove, dryer and water heater to natural gas also offers significant cost savings.
  • Environmentally friendly – Natural gas is one of the cleanest available fuels. It produces 45 per cent less carbon dioxide than coal, with fewer greenhouse emissions than any other fuel.
  • Affordability – Natural gas costs less than electricity, oil and propane for conventional home heating.
  • Comfort and convenience – The comfort and convenience of natural gas are readily accessible with the flip of a button, and there’s no need to worry about it.